Wednesday, 5 September 2012


The packing list is daunting and I haven't even started to consider personal effects. You wouldn't believe how much "stuff" a person accumulates to go on a volunteer trip as an educator / clinician.

Negotiating the Jungle
Image by Gary M. Stolz

Weight may definitely be an issue.  4 of the books I am taking with weigh nearly 5kg, then there are 2 female pelvises and a rather ugly fetus with cord and placenta (a manikin - phew!), old fashioned pinards stethoscopes and other medical paraphenalia.  Then I have to pack enough toiletries, medicines and clothes for 3 months!  I think I may attract some interest clearing Customs! 

I'm beginning to panic. There seems to be so much to do and I'm not even thinking about my day job!

I have to extend a very warm thank you to Emirates for allowing me an extra 10kg to take some of this equipment over with me.


  1. at least you'll have someone doing your washing daily so you won't need too many clothes..... xxx

    1. Oh bliss. I've been reliably informed that panties do end up crotchless. Perhaps this en trend in the humidity!!!

  2. How exciting Trish, you have African blood running through your veins, its like going home..clothes will wash and dry quickly don't over pack them... a few things that I found invaluable was daily use of mosquito repellent, taking protein shakes for breakfast, sudocream and Curash baby powder..cotton underwear...just brilliant for the humid climate.
    We can always send you an sos parcel just let us know what you need...looking forward to reading about your adventures....

    1. Thanks for the advice Pauline. What is the Sudacream for?

  3. protein shakes for breakfast??? Some of the best fruit in the world available to make lush fresh shakes.......

    1. With 60 plus births a day the protein may keep me going longer. A combination of the two perhaps?

  4. believe me you will need the protein....fruit is very good, but won't sustain you.... sudacream is for those places where you chafe or where sweat collects, its stops you getting
