Thursday, 20 December 2012

So little time so much to do!

Countdown. Last week and there is so much that "needs" to be do.
Dinner at Addis on Dar was a an awesome experience. The food is presented on a very large crepe platter and you are provided with crepe rolls - rather like bandages to gather up the food. Sounds awful, looks like nothing on earth but wasn't in the least.  Although not not everyone liked eating with bandages.

 Brodie had his birthday last week - he was ill poor lad. So this was a celebration as well.

Next of course was the Christmas Carols at the National Museum by the Dar Choral Choir. IWhat a wonderful rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus. We had the funniest home videos moment when the photographers knocked over the stage Christmas tree. They made it worse by trying desperately to put it back together. I was laughing so hard I forgot to keep the camera on them.

After the show we had a delicious meal at the Serena Hotel - the calamari was to die for.... I was going to be thin at the end of this trip. No such luck!

Swahili Fashion week is held in Dar. A must I am told - and my very first fashion show. It was almost an hour late in starting.  Wasn't sure if this was trendy thing or just Africa time? I was fascinated how petulant the models looked. Overall a very good standard.

 One incredibly loud jacket for the occassion

Semmy the GHAWA driver runs a boxing school on Coco Beach at Oyster Bay. He really wanted us to see him in action.  Apparantly the beach had been closed at one time following the attacks of a shark. It's now open but we didn't see anyone swimming.


Naturally it's important to sustain ourselves afterward. We have an agreement to each lose a set amount of weight by our mutual birthday.

There was still an iota of time to shop.  Back to TingaTinga.  I wanted a couple of small paintings for my sister, and to exchange the Muhimbili picture.
 Sidetracked with DVDs
 Fascinating witchcraft picture
 My philosophy since being in Tanzania
 Ice cream and cocktails at Seacliff

I don't think we were supposed to shop. The dresses weren't ready and I left the paintings somewhere - probably in the bajaj. We decided that there ought to be bajaj taxis everwhere even if they do eat our shopping!
The new bajaj driver!
Bright called to say his mother and sisters were in the city from Arusha and would like to meet us. Out to eat again - we decided to take them to Zuane, an Italian restaurant we'd been to a few days earlier with all the Perth nursing students and their supervisors. His mother was quite wide eyed at the experience.  It was going to be a quiet night in, but it was nice to meet them.

I'm sure there is still so much to do but time in Tanzania really is coming to an end. I'm really going to miss it.



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